Behind the curtain with Tariro neGitare

Nhanisi Maphosa

Tariro neGitare

Afro-soul patron, Tariro neGitare (translated as Tariro and the guitar), is a guitarist, singer, and songwriter currently based in Bulawayo. As a   creative entrepreneur, Tariro Chaniwa’s passion for creators in the industry manifests itself in bringing upcoming artists to the spotlight and grooming creativity through various platforms.

The Oasis had an opportunity to talk to Tariro and explore her source of passion.

How have you used music to express yourself?

Music is definitely a form of expression. I’ve used it to express myself through the songs I sing. The lyrics relate to some of the experiences that I go through and what other people encounter. I always try to fuse the experience with the lyrics and the melody.

You have shared the stage with the greatest of artists. What drives you to want to share your podium with/ platform for upcoming artists?

There are four runners that shared the stage with me and I have known the impact that has had on me. Certain doors would not have been opened if I hadn’t been privileged and honoured to share the stage with those legends. So I think it’s only right to do the same with the upcoming artists.

I realize the Sistaz Open Mic might have been where your career as a musician started skyrocketing. How did that influence your passion for music.?

The Sistaz Open Mic was a great platform. It did influence the way I do things. I am particularly fond of the ecosystem method. Nonetheless, I feel it’s The Acoustic Night that boosted my career because it’s easier to grow in a collective. When artists are in the same space they are feeding off each other, building and supporting each other.

You were in the corporate world for a bit; tell us what made you choose music over corporate?

I was earning more in music than I was in the corporate industry that’s why I went for music. Also, more opportunities were coming through music; I was enjoying it. When your passion is paying you, definitely you would opt for where the money is. Also, I felt that God had made it clear that this is the gifting; this is what I need to pursue, that’s what made it easy to make the transition

Can you share with us the times in your career when you felt like giving up?

I’m not a quitter; of course, there have been times when I felt discouraged and just disappointed. I don’t think I have gotten to a point where I wanted to give up. I always want to get to the next stage; I always want to explore new things, and I am always curious. I don’t remember when I felt like giving up.

As a follow-up question, what kept you going?

What keeps me going is knowing that God still wants to use me. I am a vessel; it’s not about me but about the mission and the purpose that God has given me. Therefore when you give it all to God you are pushed to keep going for God’s Glory.

Women in the arts industry face a lot of stigmatization and sexual abuse. What makes them strong enough to still stand on the stage and perform?

Women face challenges just like men do; I think what keeps them standing is the dream; the vision, and the passion. When they know something needs to be done they brace themselves to face adversity and take every challenge and opportunity to learn. Sometimes you really have no choice because if you cover down and don’t go through the challenge then what will you eat? I think that as women we take every challenge as an opportunity to learn.

What do you think makes most females in the industry believe it’s not possible to make a brand for yourself without compromising your integrity?

I don’t think it’s fair to generalize that females think it’s impossible to make a brand for themselves without compromising their integrity. I know plenty of women who haven’t compromised their integrity and have made it. Although I think what can make someone do that is fear, not knowing your worth, not believing in yourself, and the gift that God has granted you. If you believe that God is the one who gives the increase then there is no need to compromise because your source is God.

What is your ‘go-to’ thing to do when you face challenges?

My ‘go to’ thing has been the word; the word has been my sustenance; it has given me a direction back to the path that God has for me. The word keeps me going. Tariro’s journey and passion for the arts have encouraged young talent in Bulawayo, helping creatives to embrace what they have and take on the world with confidence. She has been consistently hosting Acoustic nights, Magitare Live, and Seminars to groom and platform young talent in Zimbabwe.